Using Ipads to research.

This week in literacy we are learning to write an information report. We will be focusing on using different openers, connectives and structuring our report correctly with both a beginning and end. To get us started, the children worked with their listening partners today to research a safari animal of their choice…on our school’s Ipads! I was so impressed with how sensible the children were, especially since this was our first time using them! They were all able to search the internet for useful information and record their findings in their own words. Keep up your fabulous work Meerkats! I can’t wait to read your interesting reports on Friday :]

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Outdoor Maths!

Recently, we have been working hard to practise our written method for division by sharing. We now understand what each part of a division number sentence means, and can draw out the problem to help us solve it. Here is the fabulous maths Meerkats did on the playground on Friday. If you look carefully you can see how clearly they were setting out their work. After working on our number sentences, we swapped around and checked another pair’s working out to help them improve. Marvellous maths Meerkats!

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Indoor Sports

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Unfortunately, on Thursday our Sports Day was cancelled because of all the rain! To make up for this, all of Year 2 took part in some indoor games which we used to inspire our big writes on Friday. We wrote instructions for Beanbag Bullseye! The children remembered lots of the features we use in this genre and their writing was full of bossy words, time signposts and ly words. Why don’t you have a go at playing this at home and see if you can follow your own instructions?

Goodbye Miss Tofani!

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We have had a fantastic week working on our creative project with Miss Tofani this week. We have explored lots of different aspects of Italian culture and have expressed ourselves through art, writing, drama and dance.

Thank you for all your hard work Miss Tofani!

The Meerkats and Miss Dale.

Take One Picture


Here is the picture we will be focusing on this week in our afternoon lessons. It is called ‘The Upper Reaches of the Grand Canal’ and it shows a scene in Venice.

What does this picture make you think about? How does it make you feel? What are the people doing? Would you like to visit here?

Remember I will give a chance card to every child who has a go at responding to the painting :]

Miss Dale.

First Day Back…

I just want to say how proud I am of Meerkat class’ work in Numeracy today on our first day back. All the children were extremely focused and did some amazing work! We were looking at finding the difference, and the children were able to use lots of different methods (including cubes, number tracks, hundred squares and empty number lines) to work out their answers. Rectangles even started to set one another their own challenges, and Squares blew me away with their hardworking attitude. Well done Meerkats!