Summer’s Super Story Ending!

Ever since Christmas, Summer has been blowing me away with her incredible writing. She thinks, says, remembers and writes every sentence and is starting to use time signposts and connectives. I am really impressed with all her hard work and would like to share some of her work with you. This is the ending to a story she planned and wrote all by herself! I know you’ll enjoy it as much as I did!

Suddenly the planes wings fell off and set on fire. The boy tried to catch him but the boy wasn’t fast enough to catch him. Luckily he jumped into a tree. In the end they wasn’t going out any more.

Homework hall of fame!

Well done to Billy, Caitlyn D, Ebony, Caitlyn P, Ella-Louise, Theo, Ellie B, Emily, Scarlet, Grace, Laila-Rose and Calum for completing their education city homework. I’m really impressed with how well they all did. I wonder if we can get even more Meerkats doing their homework next week…?

Miss Dale.

This week in Maths…

we have been focusing on using number facts we know (such as our number bonds) to find out the answers to number sentences that seem tricky at first. I was extremely impressed by how hard the children worked and the progress they have made. Now the children are able to use their number bonds to 10 to find pairs that make 20, and even pairs of multiples of 10 that make 100! Tricky stuff indeed.

Here are some pictures of us getting busy and working hard in our maths lessons. But I also want to set you a challenge: can you use your number bonds to solve this problem?

I have 13p in my piggy bank. My friend gives me some more money and now I have 20p. Can you work out how much money my friend gave me? Can you explain how you used your number bonds to work out the answer?

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On Tuesday, the whole school took part in a snowman building competition. Here were the brilliant ones made by children in Meerkat class. However, because my class are so creative, we didn’t just make a boring snow man, we produced an alien snow dog and a snow meerkat! What do you think to our creations?


Exploring ice and melting…

Last week the Meerkats took advantage of the wintery weather to help them on their quest in becoming true ice experts. We gathered snow and ice from the school field and explored it using our senses. The children came up with lots of wow words to describe the ice, such as solid, freezing, hard and shiny. We then also tried to melt it in as many ways as we could. Have a look at our pictures, why not see if you can use some of their methods to melt some ice yourself!










Brilliant Big Writes!

Last week in Meerkats we wrote our own version of the ending to Lost and Found. I was really impressed with how focused the children were at making sure to include their own ‘writing wishes’, and this meant that I had a whole pile of fabulous big writes to read over the weekend. All of Meerkats should be very proud of themselves, your writing blew me away! Here are some endings that really impressed me, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Caitlyn D
Just at that moment the boy found out the penguin was not lost he was just lonely. Suddenly he rowed as quickly as a flash and as soon as the boy got back to the South Pole he searched and searched but the Penguin was nowhere to be seen. The boy sadly rowed away. It was no fun when the boy went back home because he felt devastated and there was no point in telling stories if there was no one to listen to them. Just ahead he saw a dazzling umbreall bobbing in the sea and a block dot on top. He wondered what it can be. When he got closer it became bigger and bigger until he saw HIS PENGUIN! He reached for the penguin he was a bit fishy but the boy did not mind so they rowed home telling stories all the way home.

The boy saw a dark shadow in the distance. He quickly rowed over to the dark and mysterious thing. It was the penguin! The boy and penguin felt very very happy because they were best friends.

Kyle B
Suddenly, the boy realised he lost his only friend. He quickly rowed back to the south pole. A few minutes later he could see a dazzling umbrella bobbing in the sea. Just ahead it was a penguin! Finally the boy cuddled him and told stories all the way home.

Homework wall of fame!

Well done to Bradley, Calum, Caitlyn P, Ella-Louise, Ellie B, Kyle B, Laila-Rose, Olivia, Scarlet and Theo for all completing their Education City homework. You all did a brilliant job of reading a bar graph and using it to answer questions! Some children also had a go at our literacy challenge, comparing information found in a book. I wonder who will make it onto our wall of fame next week…?

Miss Dale.

Super story writing.

Today in Literacy we were starting to write our own version of the ‘Oh no, there’s a problem’ section of Lost and Found. We really focused on using different openers and making our problem worrying for the reader. Here are two children from Amethysts group who really blew me away with their fantastic writing…


Just ahead he saw the South Pole so they hurried for it got every penguin. He said goodbye to the penguin but the little penguin felt sad. Quickly the boy rowed away.


Just ahead they saw the South Pole so the boy said goodbye! The penguin looked sad and miserable. Suddenly the boy was making a big mistake. The boy felt sorry so he went back to the south pole but the penguin wasn’t there on the iceberg with all the other penguins. The boy said where could he be?

I loved Ebony and Kayden’s connectives, and all the different openers they used to make their sentences extra exciting. What do you like most about their sentences? Do you think they have made an exciting problem for their story?


Hi Meerkats.

As I told you on Friday, this half term we are lucky enough to be able to get to know children from other schools around England (and the world!) through Quadblogging. We have been partnered with two schools in England, and one in New Zealand. How exciting is that? Each week we will look at a different class’ blog and leave them comments about work they have done and things they have been doing. If you want to start now, why not take a look at their blogs now…?

Cherbourg Primary School.

Fieldhead Carr Primary School.

Takaro School.

Have fun!