Christmas play!

This week the Meerkats have started practising for our Christmas play. The songs and dance moves are looking really good! Next week we will be really focusing on our Country songs, USA and China, and I’m sure the children will be going home singing these catchy tunes! Letters about costumes will be coming out soon, but don’t worry as we have thought of costumes that can be easily found from your child’s own clothes. Please let me know if you have any problems or difficulties because I am sure Mrs Reader or myself will be able to source things elsewhere if needs be. Have fun practising your songs Meerkats! Thank you for all your help!

Miss Dale 🙂

International week

This week Meerkats have been thinking about the Take a Stand debate, organised by BBC World Class. We decided to take a stand against litter in our playground. Here is what we feel about the issue as a class…

‘Meerkats think litter is bad because it is disgusting. We would like everyone to stop so our playground will be tidy. We are going to ask for litter monitors who can give out stickers and chance cards to children who put their rubbish in the bin.’

I have been really impressed with how brave the class has been at sharing their ideas out loud and saying how they feel about different issues. Well done everyone!

Brave Meerkats

Here is a picture of my marvellous Meerkats on top of a tower in Warwick castle. We were extremely high up because there were 500 steps to climb altogether! I was really proud of how brave and grown up ALL the children were (they really helped me to cope with my fear of heights!) Also, even though it was extremely wet, due to the rain, not one of them moaned. I will post more pictures of our trip shortly so you can see for yourselves what a fantastic day we had.

Meerkats are marvellous at measuring!

This week in maths we have been learning all about measuring length and weight. We have been estimating; using rulers and metre sticks correctly, measuring monster party outfits for our teddies and even measuring each other! We have had lots of fun, and impressed all the adults that have nipped in to see us. Have a look at some pictures of us in action. To any Meerkats reading, why not leave a comment telling us something you’ve learned :]